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9/25/2022 Weekly Messenger

Hancock UCC Weekly Messenger for September 25, 2022

Greeters and shoppers longtime and new Nobody here has a claim on a pew And whether we're many or only a few We are a part of the family

Loaves and Fishes is excited to be moving into their new building next week.

In order to make that happen, they are asking for your help for a work night tomorrow,

Thursday 9/22, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM.

They need help primarily with painting and cleaning.

There are also a few items that need to be assembled and attached to the wall.

If you are willing to help with this important work night,

please contact Andy at

Thank you so much for whatever time you can spend helping get ready for the move.

Have you missed the Franklin United Methodist Community Church Bean Suppers? We have too! BUT, thanks to the Hancock Congregational Church, we will be serving our not-to-be-missed bean suppers on September 24 and October 22 AT THE Hancock Congregational Church. As usual, every penny that is donated will go to the local fuel fund to help out our neighbors this winter. We so appreciate the Hancock Church working with us to carry on this very important mission.

WHERE: Hancock Congregational Church

WHEN: Saturday, September 24

TIME: 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.

WHY: Benefit local fuel fund

SPONSORED BY: Franklin United Methodist Community Church

Mac ‘n Cheese Cole Slaw Hot Dogs Beans

Please join us! Pies and more pies… Sweet Potato Apple Bake Potato Salad Fresh Rolls

Sunday, September 25th we will have our annual Blessing of the Animals service at 10:00 at the Hancock Town Memorial Lot located at the intersection of Route 1 and Point Rd.

All are invited to bring their pets to the informal service which will celebrate our pets

and the important roles they play in our lives.

Children are invited to participate, and all types of pets are welcome, leashed as appropriate.

If your pet does not play well with others, you may use a carrier or bring a picture. You may wish to bring a chair. In the case of inclement weather, the service will be moved to the church.

Please contact the church office at 422-3100 with any questions.

Upcoming services and meetings

October 2nd will be our Communion service (first Sunday of the month)

and collection for the Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry.

October 6-7 BTS Center Convocation 2022 Our Small Church Leadership Team will be attending as part of their Fostering Imagination Task Force. All others are welcome to join!

Convocation theme is Imagination and Collective Liberation for a Climate-Changed World.

Inspired by a group of thoughtful presenters, artists, and leaders, Convocation will explore what it means to nourish our imaginations toward a world of joyful possibility and embodied hope, while also holding space for the difficult realities we are facing.

Ask Pastor TJ about a scholarship to cover the cost of the $50 registration fee.

October 8th there will be a Sunrise Association meeting in Belfast and on Zoom.

This meeting is open to all members of churches in our association.

October 14thDeacons meet at 2:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall and on Zoom.

October 14th and 15th will be the Fall Rummage Sale in the Fellowship Hall.

October 15th Maine Conference Annual Business Meeting – Where the River Flows, Life Will Flourish. This will be an online Zoom meeting.

Church Council will meet on Wednesday, October 19th at 1:00 pm, in the Fellowship Hall

and on Zoom.

At their September 29th meeting, Council set the date of November 13th for the Hancock UCC Annual Meeting. With that being said, Boards and Committees need to start getting their numbers ready to present to the Budget Committee, the Nominating Committee will be looking for people to fill our slate for the new year, AND…Vicky will be after the Boards and Committees for their reports that will go in our Annual Report.

From Lesley Robinson:

Once again the "Comfort Cases" shed is packed up and closed for the winter. Every pair of pajamas has a ribbon, every Case has a stuffie and a blanket, a book, and so much more. With your help, we packed and distributed hundreds of Comfort Cases to children throughout the state of Maine. With a Comfort Case in their hands, the transition to foster care is made easier and with a sense that someone really cares about their well-being.

Special thanks to everyone at Camp Mataponi in Naples, Maine! The campers brought books to camp, made beautiful bracelets, wrote inspirational notes, and made bookmarks to include in the 55 Comfort Cases they packed filled with hope and delivered to Sweetser in their area.

If you missed the lemonade stand on Hancock Point, these super kids raised $156.00, used the money to buy contents, and then they came to the shed and packed many many Comfort Cases. Super stars!!!

I am grateful for the time and caring that went into packing Cases for Adoptive and Foster Families of Maine, Women Infants and Children (in Ellsworth and Machias), Sweetser, Child and Family Services and more. The good work these folks do every day helps so many!

A huge thank you to Rita and Phil Roberts as well as Sue Croteau for delivering Cases to Bangor several times.

The bottom line is that none of this would happen without you!!!! Heartfelt thanks and wishes for a safe and healthy winter!!


Comfort Cases

Development Team


Hope, Shelby, Michelle, Merideth, Amber, Peggy, Sally, Mary Angela, Lou

TJ, Gloria, Barbara, BJ

Jess, Penny, Vicky, Corie

Patty, Nita, Pat, Rhonda

Sheila, Kristen, LJ, Kayte, Heidi

Patrice, Leslie, Nicci, Michele, Kathy

Gina, Kat, Pam

Not Pictured: June, Judy, Char, Marraine

Contact Us at Union Congregational Church of Hancock:

TJ can be reached by cell phone at 207-323-6743 or by email at

Vicky can be reached at 207-422-3100 or by email at

(When emailing Vicky it is helpful to send to both addresses.)

Jen can be reached by email at

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Union Congregational Church of Hancock, UCC

1368 US Hwy. 1

P.O. Box 443

Hancock, Maine 04640



©Union Congregational Church of Hancock, UCC. All Rights Reserved.

Phone: 207-422-3100

Pastor TJ Email:

Secretary Email:

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