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8/27/23 Weekly Messenger

Hancock UCC Weekly Messenger for August 27, 202

My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus' name

On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand All other ground is sinking sand

Upcoming meetings, events, and opportunities

Join us in our Sanctuary at 9:00 a.m. oron Facebook Live for the summer months.

You will be able to watch the service on Facebook Live in real time

or watch the recording on Facebook or YouTube .

on YouTube at Hancock UCC - YouTube

Starting September 10th we will return to our 10:00 am worship service time.

Our meetings are open to all. If you would like to attend a meeting, please let Vicky know and she will provide the Zoom link, or you are welcome to attend in person.

Church Council meets on Friday, September 1st at noon

We are looking for a few people willing to spend a couple of hours helping pack Comfort Cases backpacks with needed items for new foster children.

See Jeanne Edwards for more information.

At our recent Deacons meeting we unanimously agreed to donate $100.00 from the Minister’s Discretionary Fund to the UCC Disaster Relief Fund for victims of the wildfires in Hawaii. We invite you to consider making a donation of your own.

September Birthdays and Anniversaries

02: *Sandra* Libby 02: *Chris* Nowell 07: *Rohanna* Madigan

08: *Tamara* Crowley 08: *Jane Coffin* 09: Parker Fuller

11: *Kenny* Stratton 14: Roger & Denise Chandler 15: *Nancy* Cooledge

15: *Priscilla* Hirschenhofer 16: Jaimie & Gina Tansey 19: *Tony* Burkart

19 *Joey* & Morgan Espling 20: *Cliff* Manchester 20: *Jim* Singletary

The Crabtree Family has announced that Steve’s Memorial Service (he died August 9th)

will be held on Hancock Point in the summer of 2024.

Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:

Prayers for the family and friends of Cisca Taylor who passed away on Sunday, August 20. Prayers for Jane Preble; William in hospice care; Sue Davies; Coulter; Debbie & Lincoln & son-in-law Aaron, daughter Ashley, and granddaughter Brielle; Prayers for Kenny Stratton; Joy & David & Lori; Amy Nickerson; John Wood; Jim Snyder; Mike and Cindy Merritt;

Sandy Phippen; Bruce’s sister Lynn; Dave Marden; for all caregivers; Renata’s sister-in-law Joanne; Austin’s cousin Danny; Liz & Jim; Margaret B; Betty & her step-daughter Mollie; Debbie Maddocks, her husband Hollis, and her Aunt Linda Reed; Tom & Judy’s son Andrew and his family; Prayers of strength and healing for all awaiting diagnoses and for all recovering from surgeries; Prayers for all individuals and families experiencing addictions; for all victims and loved ones of violence;

prayers for all that are unsafe, unhoused, hungry & in need of care & compassion;

and for all that is in your heart…

We had another successful Church picnic, held Sunday, August 20th at Tidal Falls.

We had a good attendance, great weather and lots of delicious food!

Thank you to Sandra Horne for taking this picture.

Women’s Fall Weekend at Pilgrim Lodge

Deans: Pam Burnham and Rev. Dr. Mariah Hayden

Come join us for a rejuvenation of heart, mind, and soul at PL in the lovely fall!

The official program will begin on Friday with dinner, but there is an option to arrive Thursday afternoon with dinner, breakfast and lunch available at camp for an unstructured 24 hours of decompress time. Register for Thursday through Sunday to include the unstructured retreat time or Friday through Sunday for just the official retreat. Programming, singing, eating, sharing, worshiping, LAUGHING, and memory-making with new and old friends alike will be provided by Deans Pam & Mariah.

News from the Maine Conference

Saying Goodbye to Alexis: What’s next?

Dear Beloved of the Maine Conference,

I know that most of us have either said goodbye or are in the process of saying goodbye to our beloved Designated ACM Alexis Fuller-Wright who will be leaving us on September 14.

We will be searching for a full time settled ACM. Such a process takes time, including convening a search committee, posting a job description on the UCC national website, receiving profiles, interviewing, and selection. The process has already begun. The Personnel Committee recommended 7 lay and clergy to the Board of Directors and the committee has had their initial training/orientation meeting. After the Board of Directors approves the ACM job description at their meeting August 19, I will post on the UCC ministerial openings site. A new ACM will probably be in place no later than April 1, 2024. We will keep you posted as the process unfolds.

That leaves us with the more immediate question:

What happens between September and when the new settled ACM arrives? I have proposed to the Board of Directors, and they have agreed to hire a 20 hour per week bridge ACM who will cover search and call. The work of the ACM will be conducted remotely by a very experienced ACM for search and call, and one who also has experience working in rural settings. I will closely supervise this ACM, including the uniqueness of search and call in Maine, particularly for smaller churches. I have narrowed the selection to two candidates, and will decide on a candidate a couple of weeks before the start date of September 5. The other parts of the ACM portfolio will be suspended until a full time settled ACM arrives. I will make sure communities of practice remain robust.

I hope this note is helpful in being open and transparent about the process. You may certainly have some questions. Do not hesitate to contact me.

Blessings on all. I appreciate your prayers during this process.

Marisa Laviola, Conference Minister

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