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7/17/22 Weekly Messenger

Here renew your servants’ vision, that by faith they may attain

Peace and hope, renewed compassion, strength to comfort those in pain,

Tears and grief transformed to gladness in your everlasting reign.

Sunday, July 17th, Rev. Dr. Alison Boden will be our supply minister, while Pastor TJ

is serving as a camp counselor at Pilgrim Lodge.

Monteux musicians for this Sunday will be Juan Hernandez & Linda Jenkins, Flutes

Juan Hernandez (1st year) recently graduated from Lawrence University - Conservatory of Music with a Bachelor of Music in Flute Performance, where he studied with Erin Lesser.

He has played with the Lawrence Symphony Orchestra, Bands, Flute Ensemble, and New Music Ensemble. He has played in masterclasses for Marco Granados, Walfrid Kujala, Bonita Boyd, Luke Fitzpatrick, Marie Tachouet, and Jennie Oh Brown. Juan was the winner of the 2020 Lawrence Wind Ensemble Concerto Competition, and was recently a finalist in the 2022 Wisconsin Flute Festival Collegiate Artist Competition.

Juan was also selected to perform at the 2022 National Flute Association Convention!

Linda Jenkins (1st year) is an avid collaborative musician and educator based in Denton, TX. Specializing in contemporary music, Linda frequently collaborates with local composers as a soloist and chamber musician. Recently, she was a prize-winner and finalist for the Oklahoma Flute Society’s Collegiate Artist Competition, Rochester Flute Association’s Piccolo Artist competition, COFA Young Artist, and the Carl D. Hall piccolo competition. Linda has been a guest performer at the MidAtlantic Flute Festival, Oregon Bach Festival’s Composer Symposium, SEAMUS, University of Oregon’s Musicking conference, and National Flute Association. Linda has a B.M. from Bowling Green State University and a M.M. from the University of Oregon, where she studied with Dr. Conor Nelson and Professor Molly Barth respectively. Currently, Linda attends the University of North Texas and studies with

Professor Terri Sundberg.

Upcoming Meetings and Services and Opportunities:

Comfort Cases will gratefully accept your donations at the church on or before July 17th (and the third Sunday of every month). Especially needed now – baby blankets 36” square (Walmart $4.86). Blankets for older kids 50”x60”. Stuffed animals – not bigger than 8-10 inches. Travel size hair conditioner and deodorant for men and women. Baby wash, baby shampoo, baby lotion and (desperately needed) diaper ointment – all small sizes. Bars of soap. Board books for babies and books for teenagers.

Also, on Tuesday, July 26 at 3:00p.m., volunteers are needed at the Comfort Cases workshop in Hancock. Contact Jeanne Edwards @ 207-422-0995 if you want to help.

Church Council will meet Friday, July 22nd at Noon

All meetings are open to the congregation and are in-person in the fellowship hall and on Zoom. To attend a meeting via Zoom, let Vicky know and a link will be e-mailed to you.

A New New Testament Study Group will be on hiatus until September. Enjoy your summer.

Loaves and Fishes could use our help during the month of July.

They have the following volunteer opportunities. If you are able to help with any of these dates, please contact Ken at or at 207-667-4363. If you can only work part of a shift, that is also possible. Please consider filling one or more available slots!

Retail pickup:

7/15, 7/18, 7/22, 7/25, 7/29

Client Assist:

7/15, 7/18, 7/20, 7/22, 7/25, 7/27, 7/29

Product Processing:

7/15, 7/18, 7/20, 7/25, 7/27

More Church Fair News:

All Fair and Yard Sale workers should be prepared to wear their blue Hancock UCC Church t-shirts which were made available to everyone a few years ago. Please look in your closet or drawers to find it so you can be prepared to wear it the morning of the Fair. There are a very limited number of shirts available if you never got one or can't find the one you perhaps once had. See David Wildes if you need a shirt.

Patrice Alexander and her Snack Bar Crew need money donations to pay for crab meat and other supplies.

Dianne Eckhardt needs plants, flowers, vegetables, and everything related to gardening to sell. More is good and helps create a positive buzz to attract customers to this department and visitors who then enter the church building to purchase lunch and shop at the other Fair departments.

Please contact Priscilla Hirschenhofer to help her coordinate donations for the baked goods table.

Mary Beth DiMarco needs all kinds of jewelry donations to over-stock her table and create a buying frenzy.

The Silent Auction needs paintings, artwork, antiques, unique one-of-a kind items, high-end small appliances, and gift certificates to create auction excitement and high bids.

The Trustees need a variety of clean and working goods for the yard sale -- please no junk. Also, no televisions, computers, mattresses, heavy upholstered furniture or sleep sofas, clothes or linens. The parsonage garage is open and ready to receive your donations. Please call the church (422-3100) and leave a message if you need help getting your donations to the church.

Please take another look at the Church Fair attachment that accompanies the Messenger to plan you time and donations of support for this very important event in the life of our church. And remember to save the date- Saturday August 6th! Thanks. Contact David Wildes (422-3739) with questions or concerns.

The Sunrise Association of the Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ

cordially invites you to the Installation of The Reverend Lisa June Durkee

as Designated Term Pastor of The First Congregational Church of Blue Hill,

United Church of Christ On July 17, 2022 at 2:00 p.m.

Weather permitting, the Installation Service will be held in the Apple Orchard at the Parsonage, followed by a reception (Bring your instruments, as there WILL be music!). In case of inclement weather, the service will be in the sanctuary of the church. For those who are unable to attend in person, you may also join via Zoom, with login information available below

Topic: Service of Installation for the Rev. Lisa J. Durkee

Time: Jul 17, 2022 02:00 PM Meeting ID: 830 5748 5817 Passcode: 491974

Upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries:

18: Zachary & Aimee Spaulding

19: Patrice Alexander

21: Mike & Pat Summerer

23: Aaron & Ashley Ehrlenbach Johnson

24: Bob Courchesne

25: Phoebe Devenish

27: Joy Stratton

28: Robin Long

31: Matthew & Rachel Philio Umphrey

There are many ways to experience our Sunday Worship Services. This Sunday we will gather in the sanctuary at 9:00 a.m., livestream the service via Zoom and stay to visit during Zoom Coffee Hour at the conclusion of the service. Also, you can watch the service on Facebook or YouTube at any time after it is recorded. Join us in whatever ways are best for you.

9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service followed by Zoom Coffee Hour

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 882 8024 5071

Passcode: 402851

Contact Us at Union Congregational Church of Hancock:

TJ can be reached by cell phone at 207-323-6743 or by email at

Vicky can be reached at 207-422-3100 or by email at

and (When emailing Vicky it is helpful to send to both addresses.)

Jen can be reached by email at

2022 Church Fair, Yard Sale and Silent Auction

August 6, 2022

8:00 AM-2:00 PM

Rain Date: August 13, 2022

It is only a short time to our annual Church Fair, Silent Auction and Trustee Yard Sale. Below is a list of our table chairpersons. They need your help with donations, setup, selling, and cleanup and will welcome your calls. Please support their efforts with your time and donations

Second Time Around Sheila O’Neill 266-9284

Need goods to sell - quality dishware, china and glassware, knick-knacks, and small interesting items.

Kitchen Cupboard Priscilla Hirschenhofer 422-3649 and Kathy McGlinchey 460-0055

Need all kinds of baked goods, homemade breads, rolls, cakes, pies, jams & jellies, muffins, cookies, candies and other delectable foods

Coffee Klatch Sally Knapp 422-3568

Coffee, donuts, breakfast treats, and supply donations needed.

Snack Bar Patrice Alexander 422-9536

Need food and supply donations and money to purchase crabmeat and other food items.

Book Nook Pat Summerer 963-7182

Donations of books, games, puzzles, videos, and music sought. Please, no encyclopedias or text books.

Green Thumb Dianne Eckhardt 422-3601

Need all kinds of plants, flowers, pots, containers, gardening tools, and equipment, bird houses, and related items.

Jewelry Mary Beth DiMarco 422-6257 or 902-4039

Baubles and beads, rings, watches, earrings, pins, necklaces, and gems (real or fake!) wanted.

Silent Auction. David Wildes 422-3739

Paintings, artwork, antiques, unique one-of-a-kind items, high-end small appliances, donated services, etc. to create auction excitement and high bids! Also need gift certificates from your favorite stores, and restaurants

Yard Sale

Church Sale graphic

STORAGE AND DROP OFF – Yard Sale donations can be dropped off at the Parsonage Garage during the daytime. Call Arthur Ashmore 460-0406 or leave a message on the church phone, 422-3100 if you have questions or need help with large or bulky items. Please make sure your items are clean and in working condition. Please, no clothing, linens, televisions, computers, mattresses, sleep sofas, heavy upholstered furniture or junk.

Day of Sale - We’ll need lots of help to set up tables and carry yard sale merchandise from the parsonage garage to the adjacent lawn space where the sale will take place. Please call Arthur Ashmore at 460-0406 to volunteer your help. We also need cleanup help at 2 pm when the sale is over.

This is a big project in the life of our church and your assistance is important and greatly needed. Please help wherever you can. We can’t do it without you! Thanks.

Please Note: Masks will be required INDOORS on Fair Day.

We're trying to help keep everyone safe. Thank you for your cooperation.


Union Congregational Church of Hancock, UCC

1368 US Hwy. 1

P.O. Box 443

Hancock, Maine 04640



©Union Congregational Church of Hancock, UCC. All Rights Reserved.

Phone: 207-422-3100

Pastor TJ Email:

Secretary Email:

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