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7/10/22 Bulletin


Open and Affirming of ALL God’s Children

Good Samaritan, Gerard Brunig, stone sculpture

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

July 10, 2022

The flowers on the altar today are given by Peggy Karns

to the glory of God and in loving memory of her parents Helen and Norman Padelford

Welcome Monteux musicians – Zichao Liu, Trumpet & Eduardo the la Vega Garza, Piano

This service will be in the Sanctuary and on Zoom at 9:00 a.m.

Join us for Zoom Coffee Hour beginning shortly after the service ends.

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Meeting ID: 882 8024 5071

Passcode: 402851

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(type this into your web browserà) Hancock UCC Maine @ Facebook or click below

You may also click on this link to find the service on our YouTube page.

Silent Prayer

Holy God, you call us to live out your justice and righteousness.

Help us to walk in your footsteps, so that we never lose our way.

Enable us to live and love in the way that you have taught us,

so that we can act in grace, even with those who we consider our enemies. Amen

* Indicates points in the service when we stand in body or spirit


Prelude Zichao Liu, Trumpet & Eduardo the la Vega Garza, Piano


*Introit Diverse in Culture, Nation, Race(v.1) R. #372

Diverse in culture, nation, race, we come together by your grace.

God, let us be a meeting ground where hope and healing love are found.

One: Look, the Lord is your mirror, open your eyes and see the face of God.

All: Let us learn the manner of our faces, and sing praises to the Holy Spirit.

One: Wipe the dirt from your faces. Love the Lord’s holiness and put it on.

All: Then we will not, at any time, be blemished in God’s sight. Halleluiah.

*Passing of the Peace (ASL) - Lighting of the Peace Candle & Prayer for Peace & Justice

*Hymn They Asked, “Who’s My Neighbor?” B. #541

They asked, "Who's my neighbor and whom should I love; for whom should I do a good deed?"

Then Jesus related a story and said, "It's anyone who has a need,

yes, anyone who has a need."

There once was a traveler set on by thieves who beat him and left him to die;

A priest and a Levite each saw him in pain; but they turned away and walked by,

yes, they turned away and walked by.

A certain Samaritan then came along to bind up his wounds and give aid;

He took him to stay at an inn until well, and for all the service he paid,

yes, for all the service he paid.

I know who's my neighbor and whom I should love, for whom I should do a good deed;

For Jesus made clear in the story he told, it's anyone who has a need,

yes, anyone who has a need.

*Invocation (spoken in unison)

Holy God, help us to pay attention—to really pay attention—to what you have to say to us today. Fill us with your Word, and give us understanding by your Holy Spirit, that having heard your Word, we may live lives worthy of you and please you in every way. Amen

Children’s Message

Old Testament Reading (Hebrew Scriptures) Psalm 82

New Testament Reading (Christian Scriptures) Luke 10:25-37

Special Music Zichao Liu, Trumpet & Eduardo the la Vega Garza, Piano

Message                                                                                                             Rev. TJ Mack

*Hymn Won’t You Let Me Be Your Servant? R. #374

Pray that I may have the grace to let you be my servant, too.

We are pilgrims on a journey, we are trav’lers on the road;

We are here to help each other go the mile and bear the load.

I will hold the Christ-light for you in the shadow of your fear;

I will hold my hand out to you, speak the peace you long to hear.

I will weep when you are weeping; when you laugh, I’ll laugh with you.

I will share your joy and sorrow till we’ve seen this journey through.

When we sing to God in heaven we shall find such harmony,

Born of all we’ve known together of Christ’s love and agony.

Won’t you let me be your servant, let me be as Christ to you?

Pray that I may have the grace to let you be my servant, too.

Prayer for Transformation and New Life Everlasting God, you build up and tear down. We confess that we have erected idols that need to be demolished in our time. We embrace complacency and comfort over following your vision of beloved community and liberation. We measure ourselves not against your precepts but by the standards of this world. We close our ears to voices we do not want to hear and our eyes to sights too painful to see. Tear down the fear of discomfort within us and rebuild us with the pillars of holy love, compassionate care, and Spirit-led action. In your mercy, make us new. Amen

Words of Grace The Righteous One remains near to you and delights in you. The way of God is not too hard for you, nor is it too far away.

Prayers of the People – Sharing Joys & Concerns

Lead Me Lord

Lead me Lord, lead me in thy righteousness, make thy way plain before my face.

For it is thou Lord, thou Lord, only, that makest me dwell in safety.

Offering – Welcoming our Tithes and Offerings – As a redeemed people, we live for giving thanks! We understand that everything we do and everything we have, comes from God. Let us continue our thanksgiving, with grateful hearts, by giving of what God has provided. Amen

Offertory O For The Wings Of A Dove Mendelssohn

*The Doxology

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below;

Praise God for all that love has done; Creator, Christ, and Spirit, One. Amen

*Prayer of Dedication (spoken in unison)

We offer these gifts to you, asking for your direction, as we work each day so that your kingdom of light becomes more and more of a reality in this world.Amen

*Hymn O For A World R. #500

O for a world where everyone respects each other's ways, where love is lived and all is done with justice and with praise.

O for a world where goods are shared and misery relieved, where truth is spoken, children spared, and equality achieved.

We welcome one world family and struggle with each choice that opens us to unity and gives our vision voice.

The poor are rich, the weak are strong, the foolish ones are wise. Tell all who mourn: outcasts belong, who perishes will rise.

O for a world preparing for God's glorious reign of peace, where time and tears will be no more, and all but love will cease.


Go on your way in the assurance that the God of peace goes with you, before you, and behind you. Go in peace. Amen

*Sung Benediction Go With Us, Lord R. #336

That in your Spirit strong and true our lives may be our gift to you.

Postlude Zichao Liu, Trumpet & Eduardo the la Vega Garza, Piano

(Please remain seated for the Postlude)

Please visit Hancock (Maine) UCC on Facebook

or visit this link to our PayPal account:

or mail offerings to:

Union Congregational Church, PO Box 443, Hancock, ME 04640 (Attention: Treasurer)

207.422.3100 207.323.6743

Many thanks to those who helped make this service possible –

in front of the camera and behind the scenes.

Monteux Guest Musicians Zichao Liu, Trumpet & Eduardo the la Vega Garza, Piano

Music Minister – Debbie Riley

Deacons – Doug Kimmel & Kathy McGlinchey

Liturgist – Sally Knapp

Graphics Minister – Cynthia Wood

Audio-Video Support – Ron Schwizer

Office Secretary – Vicky Espling

Settled Minister – TJ Mack

The Body of Christ – You

Resources: – Feasting on the Word – A New New Testament

"Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-738532. All rights reserved.”

Diverse in Culture, Nation, Race / De Raza, Cuna, de Nación

Words - ©1992, 2012 GIA Publications, Inc.

Contributors: Ruth Duck, Georgina Pando-Connolly

They Asked, “Who’s My Neighbor?”

Words © 1982 The Hymn Society (admin. Hope Publishing Company, 380 S Main Pl, Carol Stream, IL 60188)

Go with Us, Lord

Words - ©1990 Hope Publishing Company

Contributors: Mary Jackson Cathey

Monteux Guest Musicians Bios

Zichao Liu (1st year), from China, is a first-year graduate student at University of North Carolina School of The Arts. He earned his bachelor’s degree at Tianjin Conservatory of Music where he was awarded a national scholarship for his outstanding ability. Zichao has played with the Tianjin Song and Dance Theater Symphony Orchestra, Kunming International Philharmonic Orchestra, Tianjin Youth Symphony Orchestra, Stars Symphony Orchestra, Gold Diggers Brass Ensemble, and Jin Men Brass Quintet. From December 2020 to January 2021, he won the audition for the Kunming International Philharmonic Orchestra’s Winter National tour, during which he served as principal trumpet, performing in eighteen different cities.

Eduardo de la Vega Garza (1st year, piano) is a Mexican-born pianist and conductor who recently completed his Master’s degree at The Juilliard School, where he was a proud recipient of the Kovner Fellowship. Eduardo holds a Bachelor ́s Degree in Piano Performance from La Escuela Superior de Musica y Danza de Monterrey. Likewise, his keen interest in entrepreneurship has led him to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Creation and Development of Businesses from the Technological Institute of Superior Studies of Monterrey. Eduardo has attended conducting festivals and courses worldwide, including the European American Music Alliance for conductors and Saluzzo Opera Academy, studying with teachers such as Jeffrey Milarsky, Mark Shapiro, Pierre Vallet and Jorge Mester. Amongst the orchestras with which Eduardo has appeared are the Juilliard Lab Orchestra, Detache Chamber Orchestra and ITESM Symphony Orchestra. Simultaneously and since his orchestral debut as a pianist in 2016, Eduardo has performed with The Juilliard Orchestra, UANL Symphony Orchestra, ITESM Symphony Orchestra, and the ESMDM Symphony Orchestra.

2022 Church Fair, Yard Sale and Silent Auction

August 6, 2022

8:00 AM-2:00 PM

Rain Date: August 13, 2022

It is only a short time to our annual Church Fair, Silent Auction and Trustee Yard Sale. Below is a list of our table chairpersons. They need your help with donations, setup, selling, and cleanup and will welcome your calls. Please support their efforts with your time and donations

Second Time Around Sheila O’Neill 266-9284

Need goods to sell - quality dishware, china and glassware, knick-knacks, and small interesting items.

Kitchen Cupboard Priscilla Hirschenhofer 422-3649 and Kathy McGlinchey 460-0055

Need all kinds of baked goods, homemade breads, rolls, cakes, pies, jams & jellies, muffins, cookies, candies and other delectable foods

Coffee Klatch Sally Knapp 422-3568

Coffee, donuts, breakfast treats, and supply donations needed.

Snack Bar Patrice Alexander 422-9536

Need food and supply donations and money to purchase crabmeat and other food items.

Book Nook Pat Summerer 963-7182

Donations of books, games, puzzles, videos, and music sought. Please, no encyclopedias or text books.

Green Thumb Dianne Eckhardt 422-3601

Need all kinds of plants, flowers, pots, containers, gardening tools, and equipment, bird houses, and related items.

Jewelry Mary Beth DiMarco 422-6257 or 902-4039

Baubles and beads, rings, watches, earrings, pins, necklaces, and gems (real or fake!) wanted.

Silent Auction. David Wildes 422-3739

Paintings, artwork, antiques, unique one-of-a-kind items, high-end small appliances, donated services, etc. to create auction excitement and high bids! Also need gift certificates from your favorite stores, and restaurants

Yard Sale

STORAGE AND DROP OFF – Yard Sale donations can be dropped off at the Parsonage Garage during the daytime. Call Arthur Ashmore 460-0406 or leave a message on the church phone, 422-3100 if you have questions or need help with large or bulky items. Please make sure your items are clean and in working condition. Please, no clothing, linens, televisions, computers, mattresses, sleep sofas, heavy upholstered furniture or junk.

Day of Sale - We’ll need lots of help to set up tables and carry yard sale merchandise from the parsonage garage to the adjacent lawn space where the sale will take place. Please call Arthur Ashmore at 460-0406 to volunteer your help. We also need cleanup help at 2 pm when the sale is over.

This is a big project in the life of our church and your assistance is important and greatly needed. Please help wherever you can. We can’t do it without you! Thanks.

Please Note: Masks will be required INDOORS on Fair Day.

We're trying to help keep everyone safe. Thank you for your cooperation.

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