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6/19/22 Messenger

O God, how we have wandered and hidden from your face;

In foolishness have squandered your legacy of grace.

But how, in exile dwelling, we turn with fear and shame,

As distant but compelling, you call us each by name.

A New New Testament Study Group will take a break this Wednesday (June 15th) while

Pastor TJ is on vacation and meet again Wednesday June 22nd at 2:00 and 7:00

in the Fellowship Hall and on Zoom. We will be discussing

The First Book of the Odes of Solomon

from the section of the book titled,

Gospels, Poems, and Songs Between Heaven and Earth.

The Hancock Historical Society is excited to host Castlebay at the museum at 7pm on Friday, July 1st. Fred Gosbee and Julia Lane will entertain and educate us with "Songs of Ships and Sailors" from their collection of traditional 19th and 20th century songs of the sea.

Get ready— Our biggest fundraiser of the year will be here

before you know it!

Church Fair, Yard Sale, and Silent Auction

All hands on deck!

Please save the date – Saturday, August 6th.

We need lots of stuff to sell and everyone's help to plan, organize, and make it happen.

Upcoming June Birthdays and Anniversaries:

19th – Ron Schwizer

19th – Sandy Phippen

21st – Herbie Lounder

23rd – Steve & Mary Beth DiMarco

29th – Ted & Ann Atkinson

25th – Kenny Houghton

26th – Pat Shannon

There are many ways to experience our Sunday Worship Services. This Sunday we will gather in the sanctuary at 9:00 a.m., livestream the service via Zoom and stay to visit during Zoom Coffee Hour at the conclusion of the service. Also, you can watch the service on Facebook or YouTube at any time after it is recorded. Join us in whatever ways are best for you.

9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service followed by Zoom Coffee Hour

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 882 8024 5071

Passcode: 402851

Contact Us at Union Congregational Church of Hancock:

TJ can be reached by cell phone at 207-323-6743 or by email at

Vicky can be reached at 207-422-3100 or by email at

Jen can be reached by email at

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