Open and Affirming of ALL God’s Children
Seventh Sunday of Easter
May 29, 2022
This service will be in the sanctuary and on Zoom at 10:00 a.m.
Join us for Zoom Coffee Hour beginning shortly after the service ends.
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10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service followed by Zoom Coffee Hour
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Silent Prayer
Good and gracious God, we rise with the morning light to give you thanks for rest and dreams,
for warmth and safety, for the delight we have again today in a life filled with your goodness.
We ask that the whole world would be granted the same grace, the same peace, the same safety. May the prayers of our hearts rise up and become the prayers of our collective hands and feet.
Keep all in your care this day that we may walk in your path, glad for our friends,
praying for our enemies, and eager to hear your Word; in Jesus’ name. Amen
* Indicates points in the service when we stand in body or spirit
Prelude Cantabile David Lasky
Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me, Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me. Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me. Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me.
*Call to Worship (spoken in unison)
One: We have been invited to know God Many: Let us enter the knowledge of God One: We have been invited to bear God’s justice Many: Let us enter the justice of God One: We have been invited to enter God’s truth Many: Let us enter the truth of God One: We have been invited to enter God’s unity Many: Let us enter the unity of God
*Passing of the Peace (ASL) - Lighting of the Peace Candle & Prayer for Peace & Justice
*Hymn O For A World R. #500
O for a world where everyone respects each other's ways, where love is lived and all is done with justice and with praise.
O for a world where goods are shared and misery relieved, where truth is spoken, children spared, and equality achieved.
We welcome one world family and struggle with each choice that opens us to unity and gives our vision voice.
The poor are rich, the weak are strong, the foolish ones are wise. Tell all who mourn, outcasts belong, who perishes will rise.
O for a world preparing for God's glorious reign of peace, where time and tears will be no more, and all but love will cease.
*Invocation (spoken in unison)
Holy Healing One, Righteous Restorer—We come as standard-bearers of your love, offering our disconnected lives in return for your unity. May we know you in this place, not as lone individuals but as faithful fragments seeking to be made whole again. Amen
Children’s Message
New Testament Reading (Christian Scriptures) John 17
Special Music – Choir Just Two Words Frombach/Lau
Message Rev. TJ Mack
*Hymn You Walk Along Our Shoreline B. #504
Your walk along our shoreline where land meets unknown sea.
We hear your voice of power, “Now come and follow me. And
if you still will follow through storm and wave and shoal,
Then I will make you fishers, but of the human soul.”
You call us Christ, to gather the people of the earth.
We cannot fish for only those lives we think have worth. We
spread your net of gospel across the water’s face,
Our boat a common shelter for all found by your grace.
We cast our net, O Jesus; we seek your promised reign;
We work for love and justice; we learn to hope through pain. You
call on us to gather God’s daughters and God’s sons,
To let your judgment heal us so that all may be one.
Prayers of the People – Sharing Joys & Concerns
Lead Me Lord
Lead me Lord, lead me in thy righteousness, make thy way plain before my face.
For it is thou Lord, thou Lord, only, that makest me dwell in safety.
Welcoming our Tithes and Offerings – From the creation of the world, God has freely given.
May we give, not as solitary givers, but in solidarity with all creation.
Offertory Song of Peace Craig Penfield
*The Doxology
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God, all creatures here below;
Praise God for all that love has done;
Creator, Christ, and Spirit, One. Amen
*Prayer of Dedication (spoken in unison)
May these gifts be used to build the Beloved Community through our unity,
in the power of the Holy Spirit, and in the name of Jesus, our Messiah. Amen
* Hymn Thank Our God for Sisters, Brothers B. #397
Thank our God for sisters, brothers, one by grace, in harmony,
Joining heart to heart with others, making strong community.
With the cross of Christ our standard, let us sing as with one voice,
Glory, glory, yours the promise: we who are the church rejoice.
Praise to God for congregations, keeping faith with Christ as guide;
Many tongues of many nations, song and service unified.
Sweet the psalm and sweet the carol, when our song is raised as one.
Glory, glory yours the power, as in heaven your will be done.
Holy is your name forever! Heal divisions that remain;
Bless the church’s new endeavors; make our witness one again.
One in Christ and in Christ’s gospel, make us one we now implore.
Glory, glory, yours the glory, then and now and evermore.
*Sung Benediction Go With Us, Lord R. #336
That in your Spirit strong and true our lives may be our gift to you.
Postlude Pastorale Francois Couperin
(Please remain seated for the Postlude)
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or visit this link to our PayPal account: paypal.me/hancockucc
or mail offerings to:
Union Congregational Church, PO Box 443, Hancock, ME 04640 (Attention: Treasurer)
207.422.3100 207.323.6743
Many thanks to those who helped make this service possible –
in front of the camera and behind the scenes.
Music Minister – Debbie Riley
Choir – Mary Angela Davis, Nick Davis, Phoebe Devenish, Phil Devenish,
Jeanne Edwards, Peggy Emigh, Jack Hirschenhofer, Priscilla Hirschenhofer, Pat Summerer
Deacons – Doug Kimmel & David Wildes
Liturgist – Pat Summerer
Graphics Minister – Cynthia Wood
Audio-Video Support – Ron Schwizer & Mike Summerer
Office Secretary – Vicky Espling
Settled Minister – TJ Mack
The Body of Christ – You
UCC.org and Feasting on the Word
"Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-738532. All rights reserved.”
Words and Music - ©1963 Jubilate Music
Contributors: Daniel Iverson and Michale Baughen, Daniel Iverson
You Walk along Our Shoreline
Words - ©1987, 1991, 1997 GIA Publications, Inc.
Contributors: Sylvia G Dunstan
Words - ©1990 Hope Publishing Company
Contributors: Mary Jackson Cathey