Hancock UCC Weekly Messenger for May 28, 2023
May the Spirit fill our praise,
guide our thoughts and change our ways.
God in Christ has come to stay.
Live tomorrow's life today!
Upcoming meetings, events, and opportunities
While the Choir is on hiatus anyone wishing to sing or play an instrument during the service is invited to be in conversation with our Music Director, Debbie Riley.
Join us in our Sanctuary at 10:00 a.m. or on our Sunday Worship Zoom link at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88327467219?pwd=Mis3ME4waGE1RmRBN zFXK3VUaDJXdz09
Meeting ID: 883 2746 7219 Passcode: 131738
(Posted later for viewing on Facebook and YouTube)
Pentecost Sunday, May 28 is when we celebrate the birthday of the church.
It is tradition to wear red on Pentecost to signify the Holy Spirit moving among us.
This year Pentecost Sunday is also New Member Sunday.
Donald Hynes, Orrick Damboise, and Kenny Houghton are joining our church.
Our annual “Breakfast on the Village Green” Christian Education fundraiser
is happening at 10 a.m. on Monday, May 29th at the Hancock Memorial Day Celebration.
Donation requests:
● 3 packages of sliced deli ham
● 2 rolls of tinfoil
● Assorted fruit for fruit cups (suggested: sliced watermelon, grapes,
strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)
If you would like to volunteer to donate food, or help prepare or serve,
please be in contact with Tamara Crowley.
Our meetings are open to all. If you would like to attend a meeting, please let Vicky know and she will provide the Zoom link, or you are welcome to attend in person.
Council will meet Friday, May 26th at 12 PM in the Fellowship Hall and on Zoom
A graveside gathering will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, June 3, for Frances Smart Trefts
at Maxfield Cemetery with a potluck to follow. All family and friends are welcome.
Starting June 4th, our Sunday Worship Services will begin at 9:00 AM.
We are pleased to host Winter Harbor singer-songwriter Gordon Thomas Ward
in concert on Sunday June 4th at 4 pm.
Gordon is a Grammy-balloted, award winning singer-songwriter-storyteller who paints musical portraits that plumb the depths of our emotions and bring the past to life while pointing to a hope-filled future. His music features Contemporary Folk Rock and Alternative Folk Rock genres, influenced by the singer-songwriters of the late 1960’s through the 1970’s. He has collaborated and played with many nationally recognized recording artists and has produced a number of #1 charted songs. For more information about the concert, please see our Facebook page or ask Pastor TJ.
Pay as you are able. Suggested donation at the door is $20. Everyone is welcome.
Join Pastor TJ at Ellsworth Pride, Sunday, June 11 at Knowlton Park from 11:30-4:00.
Anyone interested in volunteering; here are some needs as indicated by Pride organizers:
● On the 11th, we would need folks as early as 9 or 9:30-ish for set up.
● We need 1-2 relief people, to just go around and check in with people staffing the Ellsworth Pride table, the Welcome table, and the Silent Auction table, to see if they need a bathroom break, food break, or some time to check out the rest of the event......so it would be over a 3-4 hour period of time, but not continuous.
● and we need people at the end to help with taking things down, gathering trash and recycling, winding up extension cords, and that sort of thing.
Folks could choose tasks they would be most drawn to, as far as time and interest.
NO PRESSURE, just offering the opportunity if people are interested.
thanks again for your constant support,
Lucille Poulin 610-2729
Sue Collins 546-6735
May Birthdays and Anniversaries: 26: Vicky Espling
29: Sally Knapp 31: John Holt, Marty Johnson 31: Clint & Eleanor Ritchie
June Birthdays and Anniversaries
01: *Jim* & *Liz* Singletary 02: *David* Wildes 05: Debbie Riley
08: *Doug* Kimmel 10: *Catherine* Genn 10: *John* Holt & *Joyce* Cornwell
12: Eleanor Ritchie 12: *Gary* & Bobbi Hunt 13: *Bob* Schmid
14: *Clancy* King 15: *Roslynne* Lowry
Contact Us at Union Congregational Church of Hancock:
TJ can be reached by cell phone at 207-323-6743 or by email at revtjmack@gmail.com
Vicky can be reached at 207-422-3100 or by email at hancockmaineucc@gmail.com
Jen can be reached by email at treasurer@hancockucc.com
All Church Read – Pentecost to Juneteenth Challenge
The Maine Conference Anti-Racism Team in conjunction with The United Church of Christ National Office is encouraging our engagement in “the moment-by-moment work of creating greater racial equity” by reading and discussing Ibram X. Kendi’s book,
“How to Be an Antiracist.”
Those wishing to join Pastor TJ in this endeavor are invited to request a copy of the book from TJ, or order their own book. We will start reading on May 28, or whenever your book arrives.
Discussion dates and times will be at the convenience of participants.
The Fostering Imagination Team Update
The Fostering Imagination team invites you to join in reading Rob Hopkins book,
“From What Is to What If:
Unleashing the Power of Imagination to Create the Future We Want”
We have completed the first part of our journey, the wondering.
We have completed the second part of our journey, identifying projects.
We will read for clarity of purpose as we move toward action and implementation.
You can purchase your own book or ask Pastor TJ to buy one for you.
We will begin reading immediately and hope to join in discussion throughout the summer.
Spring is in the air and that means Comfort Cases is busy again!
They are in need of:
● pajamas in all sizes from infant to Adult XXL.
● dental floss
● baby washcloths and bibs
(if you want knitting or crocheting directions for washcloths, let Lesley know!)
● books for all ages. Gently used books are great!
● coloring books, crayons, journals, and pens.
● travel size toiletries (travel size only, please!) including shampoo, conditioner, soap, and lotion and the same for babies but include diaper ointment
● stuffed animals no bigger than 10"
Remember, we don't expect anybody to buy everything. If you see a good deal on any of these items, we appreciate any help...and let us know where the good bargains are!
Items can be dropped off at
● Lesley’s house - 766 Eastside Road, Hancock
● Alberta's Hair Designs at 125 Oak St, Ellsworth
Thanks in advance.
Lesley Robinson, Comfort Cases Volunteer
Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:
The family and friends of Everett’s brother Sheldon Espling who passed away Monday, May 22; Steve Crabtree; Everett’s sister Arlene; Debbie & Lincoln’s son-in-law Aaron, daughter Ashley, and granddaughter Brielle as Aaron recovers from surgery for a brain tumor; Jim Snyder; Savanna’s parents Mary Ann and Artie Smallage; Mary Angela’s mother, Caroline; Coulter Huyler; Chris Kinney; Mary Thomas; Finn & Parker & Madison; Kate Winters; Dave Marden; Kenny Stratton; Joy & David & Lori; Linda; Amy Nickerson; Trudy Clark; Denny Doucette; Mike and Cindy Merritt; Sandy Phippen; Renata’s sister-in-law Joanne; Judith Crowley; Austin’s cousin Danny; Bruce’s sister Lynn; Debbie Maddocks and her Aunt Linda Reed; Liz & Jim; Renata and the women she cares for; Tom & Judy’s son Andrew and his family; Betty & step-daughter Mollie; Margaret B; Cathy C.; Eleanor’s step-daughter Holly; all affected by memory loss; healing prayers for a family seeking solutions to significant mental health issues; all individuals and families experiencing addictions; for all victims and loved ones of violence; those impacted by laws limiting reproductive justice; those experiencing food and housing insecurity; the people of Syria and Turkey; the people of Ukraine and Russia; the people of Sudan; all in your heart…
News From the Sunrise Association
Members and Friends of the Trinitarian Congregational Parish of Castine are delighted to invite you to the Service of Installation of Rev. Dr. Andi Lloyd as their settled pastor, 11:00 AM, Saturday June 3rd at the Trinitarian Congregational Parish, 68 Main Street, Castine.
Reception to follow. Clergy are invited to robe and process.
News from the Maine Conference
Please join us for an Open House at Pilgrim Lodge on Sunday, June 11 from 1-3 PM. Bring folks from your church to check out camp, take a tour, walk the labyrinth, or simply come and spend some time in a rocking chair or swing. We look forward to welcoming you for this
Women’s Spring Weekend
The first Women’s Weekend of the Pilgrim Lodge season is coming up from June 2-4, 2023. Come join us for the Women’s Spring Weekend to start the summer with a gathering of women and the blessing and wonder of Pilgrim Lodge.
Enjoy a weekend of spiritual relaxation as well as rejuvenation with plenty of free time all to yourself or with old and new friends; perhaps with a book alone in a rocking chair on the porch, hiking one of the many trails, being artful and creative, or just catching up with some of your friends from previous years or those you bring with you gathered on the boardwalk.
As we gather together at the water’s edge of Lake Cobbosseecontee, come and enjoy the waterfront by swimming (maybe a cool morning dip?), kayaking or canoeing, or just hanging out on the sunny dock, watching the loons go by.
Come and join with the voices of women singing songs, sharing stories, playing games, laughing and praying together. There are so many ways to unwind with the Spirit as well as be lifted up here at Pilgrim Lodge…all you have to do is come. Hope to see you this year!
Encourage One Another
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. (I Thessalonians 5:11)
“Oikodomē” is the Greek New Testament word for encourage. It means the act of building, building up, edifying, edification; the act of one who promotes another’s growth in Christian wisdom, piety, happiness, holiness; or a building of any kind. (Strong’s Lexicon)
Beloved, I have been thinking about the word “encourage” a lot lately.
It encompasses so much about how we live together as followers of the Risen Christ.
It says so much, in just one word, about how we are to be in covenantal relationship with one another as well as in relationship with whom we serve as the hands and feet of the Risen Christ.
We build up one another: We affirm one another’s gifts. We help one another to discover our gifts and use them for the common good (I Corinthians 12:7). We work together to edify one another: to help illuminate the will of God in our hearts, the hope of God for our future, the love of God that holds us so close.
We promote one another’s growth: We are dedicated to one another for learning all there is to learn, for seeking God’s wisdom and not relying only on our own. We commit ourselves to helping one another to know the richness of a relationship with God that brings faith, confidence, joy, and hope. There are so many ways we can do this with one another.
Such relationships require us to give up competition, feeling less than or better than, sitting in our own corner with closed ears and crossed arms that our way is the right way. (Romans 12:3).
And of course, we don’t point our finger at another and question if the other is being encouraging. We point the finger at ourselves. Encouragement begins with me. How am I building others up? Promoting another’s growth? How am I meeting another with open ears and a receptive spirit?
So I’ve been thinking about how I offer encouragement as Conference Minister. I would imagine if I invited a focus group to respond to the question, the answer would vary, according to the needs of the persons or the faith communities they represent.
Some general ideas I have include:
● being present and showing up for any and all congregations who need my support or consultation
● being present and showing up for any and all pastors who call on me
● being present and showing up as folks ask me to provide nurture and care
● being present and showing up as folks ask me for continued education for their churches beyond the workshops I facilitated this spring.
I may sound like a broken record as I again invite you all to reach out to me for conversation around how I can encourage you in whatever ways you need encouragement from me. Maine is a big state and we have around 145 churches. I want to be present and show up for each and every one, encourage each and every one, bring words and actions of hope for our future in each church and collectively as a Conference. Many times I meet by zoom. I prefer in person, and try to be in person as much as I can.
Beloved people of God, I am your servant. I am your partner.
Deep blessings and prayers,