Hancock UCC Weekly Messenger for November 20, 2022
For the harvests of the Spirit, thanks be to God.
for the good we all inherit, thanks be to God.
for the wonders that astound us, for the truths that still confound us,
most of all that love has found us, thanks be to God.
At their October 19th meeting, Council voted to continue following CDC guidelines.
That means while transmission rates are low or medium that masks are optional.
When transmission rates are high, masking and distancing will be re-implemented.
Also, if masking and distancing are in effect, then coffee time will be canceled.
Upcoming events and meetings
The Choir practices at 9:15 on Sunday mornings. All are welcome to join.
Meetings are open to all. If you would like to attend a meeting on Zoom, please let Vicky know and she will provide the link, or you are welcome to join in person.
Church Council will meet Friday, November 18th at 12:00 pm
November 27th is the First Sunday in Advent

December 4th we will have our annual Pot Luck Supper and Carol Sing. Supper will be from 5-6 pm in the Fellowship Hall, then we will go into the Sanctuary for the Carol Sing from 6-7 pm. Bring a dish to share (or not) and invite friends and neighbors.
The Board of Outreach will meet Thursday, December 8th, at 4:00 pm
The Board of Deacons will meet Friday, December 9th, at 2:00 pm
Wednesday, December 14th, TJ will once again hold a Blue Christmas service at 7:00 pm.
Blue Christmas (also called the Longest Night) is a day in the Advent season marking the longest night of the year. On this day, some churches hold a service that honors people
that have lost loved ones and are experiencing grief.
During the month of November, we have been taking a collection for Our Church’s Wider Mission (OCWM). This is one of the Five for Five offerings supported by the Maine Conference. Contributions to OCWM:
· Strengthens local churches;
· Supports pastors, church educators, and seminarians;
· Provides resources for worship and stewardship;
· Connects us with mission partners around the world;
· Helps us to stand for justice and work for peace;
· And so much more!
When we all do a little, it adds up to a lot.
Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry could always use your help. If you are able to volunteer,
please contact Ken at loavesandfishesellsworth@gmail.com or at 207-801-0688.
November Birthdays and Anniversaries
20: *Kathy* McGlinchey
24, 1957: Jimmy & *Liz* Awalt
26: *Clint* Ritchie
30: *Arthur* Ashmore
Contact Us at Union Congregational Church of Hancock:
TJ can be reached by cell phone at 207-323-6743 or by email at revtjmack@hancockucc.com
Vicky can be reached at 207-422-3100 or by email at office@hancockucc.com
and vjespling@spectrum.net (When emailing Vicky it is helpful to send to both addresses.)
Jen can be reached by email at treasurer@hancockucc.com