Hancock UCC Weekly Messenger for November 10, 2024
Give thanks for tomorrow, full of surprises,
for knowing whatever tomorrow may bring,
the word is our promise always, forever,
we rest in God's keeping and live in God's love.
The Union Congregational Church of Hancock, United Church of Christ will conduct its 2024 Annual Church Meeting on November 10th, 2024, immediately following the 10:00 AM Worship Service for the following purposes:
1. To Elect Church Officers, Board and Committee members;
2. To receive Board and Committee Reports;
3. To vote on the Proposed 2025 Church Budget
4. And to hear any other business to come before the congregation.
Jeanne Edwards, Clerk
October 27, 2024
We need a quorum of 25 voting members to conduct business. Please plan to attend!

Chris Ross has a hometown show

happening in our sanctuary on
Friday, November 15th
Doors open at 6:30, music at 7:00.
Suggested donation of $20
but all are welcome regardless of ability to pay.
Tell your family and friends about it and help spread the word.
*photo is of a drawing of the church by Chris’ grandfather,
Bill Moise, in 1979
Our meetings are open to all. If you would like to attend a meeting, please let TJ or Vicky know and they will provide the Zoom link, or you are welcome to attend in person.
The Board of Deacons will meet Friday, November 8th at 3:00 pm in person and on Zoom
Church Council will meet Friday, November 15th at 11:30 am in person and on Zoom
P.E.O. Thanksgiving Pies
Wednesday, November 27nd at Reny's in Ellsworth
9:00am to 11:00 am (or until sold out!)

Delicious homemade pies! Choose from many different varieties. (Gluten-free pies may be available upon request.) Call Kathy at (207) 570-3539 by November 23rd to place your order. Pies starting at $25 & up.
Pre-Ordered pies must be picked up by 10:30am
P.E.O. is a Philanthropic Educational Organization; where women celebrate the advancement of women; educate women through scholarships, grants, awards, loans and the stewardship of Cottey College; and motivate women to achieve their highest aspirations. To learn more about P.E.O., call Ann Dederer at (207) 266-5563 or visit our website at www.peointernational.org
The “Claiming Your Call for a Climate-Changed World” team – Amelia Ashmore, Alison Boden, Nick Davis, Pat Summerer and Pastor TJ invite you into a congregational conversation on Sunday Nov. 17th after our worship service. Help us to discern our “small project with radical intent.” Thank you in advance for your participation.
Information about the journey these five have begun on behalf of our church can be found at https://thebtscenter.org/claiming-your-call-for-a-climate-changed-world
In preparation for the post-service meeting on November 17 regarding opportunities for the church to respond to climate change, members who attended a BTS Center program in June on this subject are providing brief reflections for the next few weeks. The third one, below, is from
Nick Davis.
Claiming Your Call in a Climate Changed World
In the previous two Weekly Messengers, we’ve heard from Alison Boden and Pat Summerer about the informational and inspirational retreat we all attended June 20-22 at the Schoodic Institute (Amelia Ashmore also was part of the team from our congregation). For me it was also transformational because it rekindled my love for the good Earth and all life within it.
The place we met was part of the curriculum and especially so for us, because we met literally in our backyard! The Schoodic Peninsula is at the East End of Frenchman’s Bay which is in our watershed area. Paying attention to the land upon which we “live and move and have our being” as well as our local watershed is an important part of “re-claiming our call in a climate- changed world.”
The “Call” in the title of the Retreat refers to our “communal call” to address the Climate crisis with all the faith, hope, and love we can muster - TOGETHER - with allies within the Church, and beyond! It means compassionately caring for all life on this land which God created and called good!
During one of our many outdoor activities, we got to “commune” with the “more than human” creation for a half hour. I came to a place on the edge of the woods where there was a beautiful big rock to sit on. Right in front of me was a spruce tree. We “met” and got a chance to spend some time together. I was intrigued by its bark, sap and fragrance. I was struck by the fact that this tree, unlike me, has lived on that very spot its whole life, and isn’t going anywhere as long as it lives. I wonder how this tree suffered in last Winter’s extreme weather, especially the wind and rain storms that took down some of its sisters and brothers. I felt welcomed in this tree’s neighborhood! This experience reminded me of something one of our Shoshoni guests, Jason, said to us. He was once asked by a child: “Do the trees and plants talk? And this was his answer: “Yes, they do. We just don’t listen.”
In our training and study before attending the retreat, we learned that over 76% of Americans feel deeply concerned about climate change but assume only 14% are concerned. That is one big reason that we hope many of you will attend our Conversation about Creation Care and Justice on Sunday, November 17th after worship right in our Fellowship Hall! You don’t have to be an expert. None of us who went to this retreat from our church are.
From our Student Ministry Intern, Sarina Brooks:
Peace and Prayer Vigils
Union Congregational Church of Hancock, in solidarity with other local UCC churches, will be holding peace and prayer vigils during the months of October and November. Come, bring yourself, whoever you are, however you are feeling. Bring your worries, anxieties, hopes, and prayers for peace. This will be a time of quiet; for prayers, meditation, reflection or any other ways you seek to use this time and space. We will have printed prayers you may take; candles you can light for your prayers, and quiet music for reflection. Come and stay, for a minute or the entire hour. All are welcome. Please extend the invitation to others that you know. We will offer the following times in which our sanctuary will be open:
Monday November 18th @ 1-2PM
Sarina’s home church is also offering Peace and Prayer Vigils
Centre Street Congregational Church Machias
Monday November 25th @ 12-1PM and 6:30-7:30PM
All are invited to join a meditation group at 9:00 a.m. on Fridays in our Sanctuary. In the spirit of the sessions led by Angela Absher at the Hancock Point Chapel we will begin with a lightly guided non-denominational meditation followed by a few minutes of discussion and ending with another 20 minutes of meditation. The program will be led by novices Alison Boden and TJ Mack. Now and again we may have guest speakers. Our goal is friendship and happiness. No experience is necessary. We leave in silence. Do come…
November Birthdays and Anniversaries
14: Johanna Bazzolo 16: Marcia Nowell 16: Erin Shaw
17: Cookie Thelen 20: Kathy McGlinchey 24: Jimmy & Liz Awalt
26: Clint Ritchie 30: Arthur Ashmore

Help Keep Grammar School Kids Healthy and Focused - Bring your returnable beverage cans and bottles to the church and support our campaign to provide snacks for students at the Hancock Grammar School. It's an easy and painless way to collect lots of nickels which will add up to a meaningful contribution for the snack program and help the kids stay focused, healthy and thriving. Call David Wildes at 422-3739 with any questions. He will pick up your bottles/cans upon request.
Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:

Prayers for Ron’s brother, Joe; Kathy’s brother, David; both receiving radiation or chemotherapy treatments for cancer. Prayers for Donald B. and Kenny V. and Orrick of Golden Acres. Prayers for Sally M.; Xyerra; Everett’s sister Libby; Judith C.; Don and Heather; Eleanor A.; Bruce’s sister Lynn; Sally’s friend, Sue Barger; Dr. John; Yvonne; Herbie Lounder; Ira; Cathy C.; Jane; Ruth; Marie; Doris; Ron & Kathy; Jim Snyder; Jonathan Holmes; Brandon Perry-Hudson; John Wood; Sue Davies; Sue Davenport; Liz & Jim; Kenny Stratton; Joy & David & Lori & Melissa; Debbie & Lincoln & son-in-law Aaron, daughter Ashley, and granddaughter Brielle; Sandy Phippen; Betty & her step-daughter Mollie; Debbie & Hollis & Holly and Debbie’s Aunt Linda Reed; Amy Nickerson; Tom & Judy’s son Andrew & family; Kevin and Vanessa & family. Prayers of strength and healing for all awaiting diagnoses and for all recovering from surgeries & procedures. Prayers for all that are unsafe, unhoused, hungry & in need of care & compassion. Prayers for all caregivers; and prayers for all that is in your heart…
Photo Directory — Have you ever heard anyone say “I know the name but don’t know the face.” or “I know the face, but am not sure who it is? Well, over the next few weeks, Sarina will be taking pictures so that we can put together a photo directory. We would like to get as many photos to put with the names in the directory as possible. If you absolutely don’t want your photo to go with your name and address, your info will appear as it always has. Thanks in advance.
From the Maine Conference

A Letter from our Conference Minister
Marisa Laviola
How do we now live?
Matthew 25:35-40
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ 37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
As I am writing this letter to all of you on Wednesday morning, our waiting, anticipating, fearing, hoping, is both over and freshly new and continuing… As you read this letter Wednesday afternoon, we know who the American people have decided to send to the white house for the next four years. I do not have to tell you that our country is facing some unprecedented times with continued threats of division and vitriol, threats of violence, chasms between the haves and have nots, exclusion of the most vulnerable. In my many years of observing election cycles, it has always been cyclical—ideologically and politically. Don’t like the political party in charge? Wait a few years. It will change.
But this year is different. So very different. This year feels like the very fabric of our democracy is held together by sticks and glue. This year, peoples’ anxiety is off the charts. This year, the threat of violence is exponentially higher than I’ve ever experienced—the violence aimed at one another is both dismaying and alarming. Those who publicly espouse “Christianity” are the very ones who eschew the heart message of God of love for everyone whoever they are; warm welcome for everyone, no matter their life path.
Some of us may be tempted to withdraw, as we cry out to God “how do we now live?”
My friends, I have words more of challenge than comfort. We must live fully who we are: the incarnation of Christ on earth—we must live as though the lives of everyone depend on us to speak and act for true peace and justice. We must live Matthew 25 and have those verses come alive—perhaps to be more public in our commitment to peace and justice; louder in our cries for the true good of all people, especially the excluded, the rejected, the stranger, the poor and hungry and un-homed.
How do we do this, you may ask? We’re fearful, we’re tired, we’re not sure where this world is taking us. So, beloved ones of the Maine Conference, how do we now live? How do we live and breathe and have our being in the God who is our lover and guide? How do I live? How do you live? How do we live together as God’s people, following Jesus our teacher and guide, lifting the Spirit of Christ as the standard of life here on earth as it is in heaven?
We can only do this TOGETHER—in congregations that come together to act for justice; among churches that band together to speak peace and embrace; by supporting one another through deep prayer and loving support throughout our conference so we know none of us is alone. And we do this with the blessed assurance that God undergirds and surrounds us and gives us all the strength we need.
May we allow the unconditional love of God to wash over us and sustain us. May we pray for guidance in these unprecedented times. May we follow in the ways of Jesus, with the power of the Holy Spirit to undergird and challenge us.
I am your partner as we venture together, to bring the realm of God to earth,