Hancock UCC Weekly Messenger for October 30, 2022
Blest are the men of peaceful life, who quench the coals of growing strife; they shall be called the heirs of bliss, the sons of God, the God of peace.
At their October 19th meeting, Council voted to continue following CDC guidelines.
That means while transmission rates are low or medium that masks are optional.
When transmission rates are high, masking and distancing will be re-implemented.
Also, if masking and distancing are in effect, then coffee time will be canceled.
A timely reminder - All Mainers can get 5 free Covid test kits per month.
https://accesscovidtests.org/faq/ (must reorder every month)
Upcoming services and meetings
There will be no Choir practice this Sunday morning, October 30th.
Sunday, October 30th we will honor those that have died since our last All Saints Day.
Whether a church member, family member, friend, or animal companion, you are invited to bring a photo or memento to place on our altar during the service.
Also, Sunday, October 30th Amy Jenner will offer her timely Message, “Death Belongs to Life”.
About AMY JENNER M.Ac., Dipl.OM, L.Ac.
My work as a healer, teacher and mentor is supported by a strong foundation of theoretical understanding and clinical experience, including 20+ years of Chinese, Energetic and Herbal medical practice. This work is the fulfillment of my life’s purpose to serve, alleviate suffering and facilitate the alchemy of transformation in the lives of my patients.
Training: Master's Degree in Acupuncture from the Academy for Five Element Acupuncture Gainesville, Florida. Extensive post graduate training in Sa’am Acupuncture, Classical Chinese Herbal Medicine, Plant Spirit Medicine, and nutrition.
Nationally board-certified as a Diplomate of Oriental Medicine from the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).
There will be a
cleaning of the sanctuary
on Saturday, November 5th, 9 am – 12 pm.
Bring cleaning pails, rags, etc.
Cleaning product will be provided.
The Board of Deacons will meet on Friday, November 11th at 2:00 pm
in the Fellowship Hall and on Zoom.
The Union Congregational Church of Hancock, United Church of Christ will conduct our
2022 Annual Church Meeting on November 13th, 2022, immediately following the 10:00 Worship Service for the following purposes:
1. To Elect Church Officers, Board and Committee members;
2. to receive Board and Committee reports;
3. to vote on the Proposed 2023 Church Budget;
4. and to hear any other business to come before the congregation.
Jeanne Edwards, Clerk
October 23, 2022
The Church Council will meet on Friday, November 18th at 12 pm
in the Fellowship Hall and on Zoom.
Meetings are open to the entire congregation. If you would like to attend a meeting on Zoom, please let Vicky know and she will get you the link, or you are welcome to attend in person.
Stewardship and the Church Budget - Presently there is a funding shortfall of $28,092 in the proposed 2023 church budget. This is after anticipated income of $8,000 from the church Fair, $4,000 in other non-specified fundraising activities, and hoped for pledge support of $68,000 are factored in. Twenty-two pledges for $54,510 have been received as of October 25th.
Your stewardship pledge will help close this gap and reduce our reliance on additional fundraising or withdrawals from our savings account to pay our bills and fund our activities. Pledge cards are available in the Sanctuary or one can be mailed to you.
Please let David Wildes (422-3739) know of any questions or concerns.
Thanks to everyone for their continued support of our church family.
November Birthdays and Anniversaries
01: *Ted* Atkinson
03: *Mike* Summerer
14: Johanna Bazzolo
15: *Kristy* Johnston
16: *Marcia* Nowell
16: *Erin* Shaw
17: *Cookie* Thelen
20: *Kathy* McGlinchey
24: Jimmy & *Liz* Awalt
26: *Clint* Ritchie
30: *Arthur* Ashmore
Contact Us at Union Congregational Church of Hancock:
TJ can be reached by cell phone at 207-323-6743 or by email at revtjmack@hancockucc.com
Vicky can be reached at 207-422-3100 or by email at office@hancockucc.com
(When emailing Vicky it is helpful to send to both addresses.)
Jen can be reached by email at treasurer@hancockucc.com
This is a visual aid to go along with this Sunday’s worship service.