Hancock UCC Weekly Messenger for October 23, 2022
Give me a clean heart so I may serve you.
God, fix my heart so that I may be used by you.
For I’m not worthy of all these blessings
Give me a clean heart and I’ll follow you.
The Maine CDC has once again listed Hancock County as high risk for COVID 19. At their October 19th meeting, Council voted to once again follow the CDC guidelines. It will again be mandatory to wear masks and be socially distancing at all times while in the church building, coffee time will also be canceled until further notice.
Upcoming services and meetings
The October 22nd bean supper, hosted by the Franklin church, in our Fellowship Hall has been CANCELLED, due to illness.
There will be no Choir practice this Sunday morning, October 23rd.
We welcome the Rev. Cynthia Priem to our pulpit this Sunday while Pastor TJ is on vacation.
Cynthia was blessed with scholarships to Vassar College (BA), University of Pennsylvania (MA), and Lexington Theological Seminary (MDiv) as well as the Eastern Music Festival (2 years). During her years of automating libraries, she took courses in a Master of Library Science program and, while developing three applications used in the building of facilities to make new pharmaceutical products, she took courses toward a Master of Science in Technology. Another period of her life was spent teaching public and proprietary software to business professionals. She served UCC churches in Kentucky, Indiana, and Maine. She is currently not affiliated with a denomination and experiences a checkout lane at Shaws as a pastor's study when the store is quiet. She is a first violinist in the DownEast Chamber Orchestra and U.of Maine's orchestra and baroque ensemble.
Thoughts from the church President to the congregation.
Look around you. These are super people. People we can call on in good times and bad. Folks who jump in to lend a helping hand, or just a hug when we need it.
We are from different backgrounds, have different sexual orientations, we are different colors and have different political beliefs, but we love and respect each other for who we are—An extended family. This is a wonderful place! (Why are we keeping it a secret?)
Outside these doors there are people looking for this, longing for this. Especially after COVID. Looking for people who care about them— like family.
Our Small Church Initiative committee is guiding us to envision ourselves differently as a congregation. What can we do? Let’s all reach out to others to share what we have at Union Congregational Church of Hancock. Invite a friend, neighbor, maybe even a stranger. Not to come to church, but to meet our family of faith, in a place where all are welcome. Thank You.
At their September 29th meeting, Council set the date of November 13th for the Hancock UCC Annual Meeting. Boards and Committees need to start getting their numbers ready to present to the Budget Committee, the Nominating Committee will be looking for people to fill our slate for the new year, AND…Vicky requests the Boards and Committees submit their reports on or before October 16th for our Annual Report.

There will be a
cleaning of the sanctuary
on November 5th, 9 am – 12 pm.
Bring cleaning pails, rags, etc.
Cleaning product will be provided.
2023 Stewardship Pledges Needed Now! To date we have received 19 pledges for $40,030 to help pay for a proposed 2023 church budget that projects spending $144,242. There is a potential budget deficit of $28,092 after considering all income and spending estimates. All of this will be discussed at the Annual Meeting on November 13th. Please plan to attend in person or on Zoom.
During the month of October, we will be collecting monies for Neighbors In Need. This is one of the Five for Five offerings we take supported by the Maine Conference. One-third of the offering supports Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM). Two-thirds are used by Justice and Witness Ministries to provide grants to UCC churches and organizations as well as supporting a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects. Envelopes are available in the back of the Sanctuary and in the Fellowship Hall.
October Birthdays and Anniversaries
20: *Ruth* Dietze
29: *Ron* McGlinchey
30: *Chris* & *Melissa* Nowell
01: *Ted* Atkinson
03: *Mike* Summerer
Loaves and Fishes could use your help during the month of October. If you are able to help with any of these dates, please contact Ken at loavesandfishesellsworth@gmail.com
or at 207-801-0688. Partial shifts are also possible.
Retail pickup:
October 21, 24, 28 - ONE needed each day.
October 31 - TWO needed.
Client Assist:
October 21, 24, 26 - AM & PM, 28, 31.
TWO are needed for each time slot.
NOTE: Wednesday evening needs are separate from morning needs.
Product Processing:
October 21, 24, 28, 31 ONE needed each day.
Checkout Processing:
Two volunteers are needed for each day open times and each Wednesday evening open times.
Checkout processing involves weighing & recording all products that the shopper has taken, bagging the products in paper bags (we supply), reusable bags (we supply or client brings their own), or on request of client into boxes (we supply).
As you can see, we've added a new category necessitating more volunteers.
We have a new "take a break" times available each shift for all volunteers.
A new Volunteer Break room is set up ready for that purpose.
Exciting times have come for our new building, to serve those who need food.
Thank you for volunteering at Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry!
We cannot function without your service to us and our clients!!
Ken Hoogerhyde
Pantry Manager
Contact Us at Union Congregational Church of Hancock:
TJ can be reached by cell phone at 207-323-6743 or by email at revtjmack@hancockucc.com
Vicky can be reached at 207-422-3100 or by email at office@hancockucc.com
(When emailing Vicky it is helpful to send to both addresses.)
Jen can be reached by email at treasurer@hancockucc.com